Innovation Workshop

From 23-24 November, the Nordic Translation Industry Forum (NTIF) will be hosting an exciting new initiative in Helsinki. In an off-conference workshop, four experts, led by Semantix Head of Translation Innovation, Robert Etches, will meet and brainstorm before joining up with the conference proper to present and share their findings and ideas in the closing Innovation Panel.

We have assembled a unique team that promises to be as disruptive as it is different. And we promise that this is not just going to be another walk around the TM/MT circus!

In a world governed by the Big Five (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook) and changing as quickly as you can say Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and the Internet of Things, who thinks we will still be charging for our services by the word in 2022? Or using translation memories, or paying for CAT tools, or producing and selling translation as we do today?

You too can join in the workshop! At any one time, two conference participants can sit in on the Innovation Workshop to listen and, more importantly, contribute to the final presentation. Join us and help to make this the conference workshop of 2017!

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