Nordic Translation Industry Forum

Our next conference will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 24–26 November 2019

Program 2020

13:30 Welcome address and get to know Remo

13:40 Random networking and organizing yourself at the table of choice (max 8 per table)

14:00 Keynote speaker Magnus Lindkvist

14:30 Our Keynote will challenge you with questions

14:40 Round Table discussions and conclusions in groups

15:00 Reflection on the conclusions

15:10 Second keynote speaker Annsi Krol

15:40 Back to tables for group discussions and networking

16:10 Hear it from our Sponsors, Raffle and closing remarks

16:30 Cheers!

With the recent sharp increase of corona cases and the uncertainty about whether we will be able to meet in groups or travel freely in a few weeks, there will be no physical NTIF this year.

But, instead of refraining, we rethought once again and decided that we will offer a 3 hour online event instead. Join us for thought-provoking presentations, group discussions, networking, some surprises and a raffle. Bring your own champagne!

We hope you will join this year’s special edition of NTIF!

(Please note: local MOMS (VAT) is only applicable for attendees in Sweden, add your VAT no. when registering to deduct the charge.)

Please register via Eventbrite by clicking here.

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