Sarah Hickey 600

Sarah Hickey

Nimdzi Insights

About the session

Interpreting across the globe – No one size fits all

Ever wondered how interpreting markets in other countries are run or how your market stacks up against them? This presentation examines the side of the client, the buyer, the provider, and the government in interpreting markets across the globe, to identify gaps, opportunities, and trends. What can markets learn from one another and what does it all mean for the future of interpreting in the Nordics?

About Sarah

Curious by nature and a linguist at heart, Sarah has explored various areas of the language services industry. She began her career as a radio journalist in Germany. Following a move to Ireland in 2011, she transitioned into translation and interpreting.

During her B.A. in German and English she took first steps in conducting research in the area of linguistics. She expanded on this newly found passion with her thesis project for her M.A. in Conference Interpreting, which investigated the ‘feminisation’ of conference interpreting, through the lens of female conference interpreters.

Other university research to date has focussed on linguistics, child language development, and intercultural communication.

Sarah now works at Nimdzi Insights, where she is the lead interpreting researcher and consultant for the interpreting market. In this capacity, her research to date has focused on Virtual Interpreting Technology (VIT), sign language interpreting, vicarious trauma in interpreters, and analyzing the global interpreting market.

Sarah also works as a freelance conference interpreter and translator.


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