Why Helsinki? Insights from a local!

By now you’ve probably already started planning to attend the next NTIF conference which will be held in Helsinki on 22–24 November. And why wouldn’t you? Surely you’re interested in some up-to-date, Nordics-focused industry news—and also some good fun with fellow professionals. As many of you know, the organisers, Anne-Marie and Cecilia, are renowned for throwing some of the best parties in the industry. No pressure, girls, but we have high expectations!

Let’s be honest, weather-wise, November is probably the worst month to visit Finland. So, don’t expect any of our famous nightless nights or any sort of winter wonderland. Instead, be prepared for only a few hours of daylight, biting winds and lots of slush on the ground. Luckily, NTIF is no Woodstock and will be held in the ruggedly beautiful, recently renovated granite building Paasitorni. Indoors, that is.

Ignoring the weather, Helsinki has been recently officially proclaimed by many important fashion leaders as hip. Indeed, my previously rather dull hometown has become a cool city with lots of energy and bustle. Vogue Magazine suggested earlier this year that Helsinki might even be the Next Capital of Cool.

This year, Finland is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its independence. In case you skipped your history lessons, Finland used to be a part of Russia, and before that a part of Sweden. We take a lot of pride in being an independent country with a rather small population and a weird and difficult language.

The anniversary year has been a banner for Finland. A wide range of fun events and festivals have been organised throughout the year, and a host of new hotels, bars and restaurants are opening. Suddenly, Helsinki seems to have become a foodie paradise, too. Furthermore, the proximity of events like Nordic Business Forum and Slush will make the late autumn an even more vibrant season—despite the weather.

I’ve attended all but one of the great NTIF conferences. For years, along with many others, I’ve been hoping that Anne-Marie and Cecilia would choose Helsinki to host the event. It took some time and persuasion, but in the end they couldn’t have chosen a better year. The best is yet to come in Helsinki, November 22–24.

See you there!





On behalf of the Finnish LSPs, Tervetuloa Suomeen!

Katja Virtanen
Association of Finnish Translation Companies SKTOL ry

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