Stepping into the lounge hall full of translators and interpreters felt somewhat exciting and slightly nerve-breaking. But looking at the industry from a fresh perspective of an outsider quickly paid off. I have been able to embrace a fantastic mix of creative and practical thinkers who truly are passionate about what they do. What amazed me most is diversity. Most of the people at NTIF conference spoke more than 3 languages, have travelled the world and have entered the industry with big plans to change the ecosystem for the better. Having a privilege to experience all sides of the conference as a moderator, an audience and a keynote speaker, I can declare that NTIF is an incredible platform for various industry players that enables networking and truly disrupts the thinking process. It is all about quality content, collaborative workshops, international crowd, great vibe and, of course, legendary dancing!
To summarize my first and very vivid NTIF experience, I have put on a paper some of my key take-aways:
1). Always recognize the story and your role in it. Audience needs a villain and a Cinderella.
2). This industry is not just about translation from one language to another. It is a dynamic mix of simultaneous interpretation, silent language, graphic recording and even tweeting! This industry itself is a special kind of art.
3). Content is exploding – the need for high impact content is growing, but the need for low impact content is growing even faster.
4). Tech is good, but at the end of the day it still comes down to people, human interaction and serving customers’ needs.
5). Translation industry is vastly growing and it is on the edge of a big change.
6). Everybody talks about it but nobody really knows what will happen to the industry in 5 years considering the market overwhelmed with tools, gadgets, AI apps and platforms.
7). LSP is not a Language Service Provider, it is a Language Solution Partner.
8). Sarcasm is a humor of intelligent people.
9). It is important to educate buyers and clients as well.
10). Translators and interpreters are the most creative, diverse and internationally-minded people who also do not mind to being challenged.
11). Linguists can dance!
12). To stay relevant and be step ahead, companies always need to update their tacit knowledge, adapt to new technologies, be agile and differentiate. And this applies to all industries,
13). Every act of communication is a miracle of translation.
14). The success is collective, hence working together and making the change together is essential.
15). Above all I have learned how two individuals with their passion, drive and fantastic attitude can transform the traditional definition of a translation forum and provide a platform that unites like-minded bright minds to share, innovate and collaborate. And these two professionals are Anne-Marie Colliander Lind and Cecilia Enbäck – the God Mothers and Master Minds behind an industry-changing event.
It’s been a tremendous pleasure to moderate the conference and I hope to see you all at the next year’s NTIF.
Thanks, and may Sisu be with you!
Yuliya Nesterenko