About the session
Winter is coming – M&A the Nordic way
Mergers and acquisitions are not only for the large LSPs out there, small and mid-sized LSPs have also used M&A to enter new markets and scale their businesses. Nordtext, a leading Baltic LSP with HQ in Riga, is one of them. In 2022 we ventured North (as if the Baltics would not be North enough… 😊) and acquired Finnish LSP Maris Multilingual. An unprecedented move, as no Baltic LSP had made an acquisition in the Nordics before. In this session Nordtext CEO Kristaps will be sharing the learnings and mistakes from our journey so far, hopefully encouraging other regoinal SMEs to consider if perhaps M&A path might be a reasonable scenario worth pursuing.
About Kristaps
Kristaps Kvelde, CEO, Nordtext
As a student of business management, Kristaps co-founded Nordtext at the age of 21 after being exposed to translation industry for 3 months as a part-time project assistant. And yet, he thought he knows enough to execute on the vision he had – to build an LSP that delivers simply good client service with a touch of technology, while always putting the humans first. Fast forward to present day and Nordtext remains one of the most respected and customer centric language solutions providers in the Nordic-Baltic region, while Kristaps remains as human-centric as ever with his youth maximalism having matured into calculated risk taking for the benefit of Nordtext’s clients and partners.